HomeHealthOral Hygiene : Best Practices to Follow for Healthy Teeth

Oral Hygiene : Best Practices to Follow for Healthy Teeth

Pets are part of our families, and it is important to ensure that we treat them right. One way to make them feel loved and part of our family is by keeping their health in mind. And, oral hygiene is one of the most critical areas to focus on to ensure that your pets are healthy.

But then, you might not be sure about the best practices to follow for better oral health. This is whether we’re talking about dental hygiene for dogs, cats, or any other pets. The good news is that this article has all you need to know about ensuring your dog’s oral hygiene.

Read it to the end for all you need to know.

Why Is Dental Plaque a Major Health Condition in Pets?

There are various dental health conditions that you might observe in dogs. One of the most common dental health issues dogs face is dental plaque. The accumulation of plaque on a dog’s teeth might lead to tartar and, in the end, to gum disease and could cause tooth loss.

Plaque prevention is important for every dog owner. And there are many ways to prevent its accumulation, including using bio-dental products. Materials and products made by SelenBio Dental and other reputable brands can prevent dental plaque accumulation.

If you clean it after dogs have had their teeth cleaned, dental plaque is initially easy to remove. But then, this substance can be difficult to get rid of if it accumulates on a dog’s teeth and even turns into tartar. This is when you’ll require quality technology products to get rid of it.

In short, dental plaque needs to be cleaned as soon as it forms. Otherwise, you need to look out for its accumulation on your dog’s teeth and get it diagnosed by a professional. They will develop a treatment plan that might include the use of various bio-dental products.

They might recommend the use of a dog plaque water additive or a dog plaque spray. The aim should be to ensure that the dental plaque doesn’t cause more damage to the teeth, gums, or bones. This treatment might also help ensure fresh breath for dogs and cats.

Facts About Oral Hygiene for Pets

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There are various facts that you should take note of about oral hygiene for pets. Many pet owners fail to provide their furry friends with the best dental care because they don’t understand pet oral hygiene. Knowing the facts about oral hygiene will help with plaque prevention and other issues.

Here are some of these facts: 

  1. Dental Diseases Start Early

Many pet owners think that dental hygiene issues start later in life. However, pets start having dental issues as early as the age of three. You might notice signs like bad breath, tartar buildup, and swollen gums. Ensure that you take action as soon as you notice them. 

  1. Dental Issues Cause Pain in Pets

Lack of basic oral hygiene might put your pet through some excruciating pain. Dental plaque, for instance, causes gums to swell and become painful. That’s why it is critical to ensure that your dog or cat has a dental hygiene routine. Also, treating issues early can prevent pain.

  1. X Rays Help With Diagnosis

Plaque prevention is important, but sometimes it could already have accumulated and requires treatment. The first step to treating it is making a proper diagnosis. Using X Rays can be effective for diagnosis because some diseases might not be easy to notice with the naked eye.

  1. Considering Anesthesia During Treatment Helps

There’s the use of sharp sterilized equipment during dental diagnosis. It is important to ensure that your pet feels safe and less stressed during evaluation and treatment. That’s why we recommend anesthesia. It can help increase accuracy and also prevent accidents.

  1. Cleaning the Gum Line is Essential

Many people overlook the gumline, especially when cleaning plaque. The teeth might look clean, but some bacteria might remain in the gumline. That’s why the treatment procedure also needs to consider the gumline. Clean the plaque beneath it to get rid of all the bacteria.

  1. An Oral Hygiene Routine is More Vital Than You Think.

It is critical to have an oral hygiene routine for your pets. You need to ensure that you brush your dog’s or cat’s teeth every morning. That will make it easy to prevent potentially costly surgeries along the way. However, make sure you use recommended pet products for cleaning.

  1. Not Every Dental Care Product is Safe for Your Pet

The products on the market aren’t all the same. Thus, you need to find those that are made for your pet. There are dental hygiene chews and even dental water additives for cats and dogs. Ensure you speak to a professional before choosing any products for your pet’s dental routine. 

The Benefits of Pet Oral Hygiene

There are various reasons why an oral hygiene routine for your pets is important. This section will explore some of the dental issues you can prevent with a good dental care routine. Here are some of them:

  • Preventing bad odor – Ensuring fresh breath for your cats or dogs can be an excellent idea. Halitosis, as it is called, can be a sign of serious underlying dental health issues. Proper teeth cleaning using the right dental products can help prevent it. 
  • Preventing tooth loss – You can prevent tooth loss by ensuring that your pet’s dental health is well taken care of. Dental plaque and other related issues weaken the gums and bones. This makes it easy for teeth to break or come off when your pet is feeding.

Those are some of the primary benefits of pet oral hygiene. There are many more, including preventing organ damage and pain. Also, we mentioned that it can help cut treatment costs.


Ensuring the oral health of your dog can sometimes be tricky. This is especially true if you don’t know the best practices to follow. This article has offered the best insight into ensuring that your pets have healthy teeth. This also includes ensuring fresh breath for dogs and cats.

You won’t go wrong with using the insights shared in this post to ensure your pet’s dental health. For instance, you can use a plaque spray for dogs to prevent plaque from forming on your dog’s teeth. Using such products made with technology will help enhance the care.


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