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HomeReal EstateWhat to Know Before You Buy a Beach House in Seaside, Florida

What to Know Before You Buy a Beach House in Seaside, Florida

Fancy purchasing a beach home in Seaside, FL county? Well, you need to start making adequate preparations. 

Beach homes are listed for sale every now and then. However, getting a proper fit to suit your taste might require that you get some form of expert guidance.

All the same, make sure you’re well versed beforehand with the inherent risks associated with living in a coastal town, and equally on the subsequent property maintenance costs as those don’t come cheap.

That said, here are some important factors to consider that all add up to the cost of living in Seaside, FL, when you decide to purchase a home in the city. 

Home’s Structural Integrity to Withstand Weather-Related Hazards

If you previously weren’t aware, then you’ll be the last to know that coastal towns are especially susceptible to hazards such as hurricanes or floods. Taking steps to ensure beforehand that your home can withstand these destructive conditions should frankly rank atop on your priority list.

For instance, houses located near beaches should best be built on stilts to withstand possible occurrences of occasional flooding. Concrete is one other important building component to not overlook. Houses built with such are known to better tolerate heavy rain and high wind velocities better than most wooden-framed houses.

Expected Rental Revenue

If your intended purchase would serve no more than as a vacation rental property, it’s essential to conclusively decide beforehand whether the property will fetch you a nice return on investment (ROI). 

A general rule of thumb is that the total of the monthly taxes, property management fees and any other cost of living in Seaside, FL, shouldn’t exceed a 125 percent of the projected yearly revenue, otherwise such property would be unsuitable as a short-term rental.

Suppose you plan on focusing exclusively on rentals, take all possible care to ensure you don’t buy a home with only a single bedroom. Those don’t fare nicely in the rental market.

Basic business sense demands that you get as much helpful data as you can set your hands on in any new venture. As such, dig up all you can on similar rental services to note down competitor’s offerings and ensure those ranges are suitable for you.

Third-party Management Fees

In the case where the house isn’t your primary residence and it’s perhaps nothing more than a vacation home or otherwise, engaging a home management company to oversee and keep things in good order whenever you’re not around is essential.

Such companies take over all maintenance services relating to landscaping, pest and termite treatments and occasionally, lease agreements. These all tend to add up as what to do in Seaside, FL, after purchasing your home.

However, those tend to cost a bit. Ensure you get familiar with the verity of the high price tags and keep those in consideration before purchasing a home in Seaside, Florida.

Consider checking out for the best deals on homes in Seaside upon your readiness to buy a property.

Proximity to the Seafront

You can hardly find things that beat a vantage view of the ocean. Arguably, for most folks, that’s a primary argument in deciding whether or not to purchase a property close to one.

However, it’s not always sunshine living that close to the sea. Insurers typically charge higher rates for homes very close to the seafront and also, there’s still that possibility of weather-related hazards.

Nonetheless, if the related repair-costs in the scenario of an incident won’t put a scratch on your wallet, talkless of a dent, then living near the seafront may be worth the costs of it. 

Insurance Premiums

The more likely you’re to file an insurance claim and consequently, the more risky a client you’re to sign on, the greater would be the rates insurers tend to slam on you, certainly you know how these things go.

Living in a coastal town, with the possibilities of a flood or an hurricane lurking just in the background predisposes you significantly to paying greater homeowners insurance premiums and this just goes on to add to the cost of living in Seaside, FL. It’s equally not uncommon to find it mandatory by the local councils to purchase flood insurance.

An helpful tip to keep in mind would be to check out rates from different insurers. Premiums tend to vary significantly from one company to another.

Reasons to Consider Buying a Home in Seaside, Florida

Other than sunny days with bright blue skies, there are quite an additional number of practical factors why it might make a great deal of sense to purchase a home in Seaside, Florida. 

We’ve covered the more prominent of these below:

  • Zero taxation on your incomes that guarantees you get to keep a greater chunk of your monthly income
  • Low cost of living compared to similar states in the U.S. There’s also an improved quality of life compared to other parts of Florida
  • South Florida more often than not rates top on the list of some of the greatest tourist attractions in the world. Given the high rate of influx of tourists, it’d be comparatively easy for you to settle on a new lucrative venture whenever you want
  • Availability of several economic opportunities with the job market rated as one of the fastest growing in the world

Final Thoughts

That’s a wrap! Everything you need to know about buying a beach house in Seaside. To be frank, these considerations do tend to be a bit much to take in at first read. However, the message remains crystal clear. 

Prior to buying a beach home in Seaside fl, or about anywhere else that might matter, ensure you make all the requisite fact findings to ensure you get your dream property at the best price.

Being as it is, the cost of living in Seaside, FL, tends to be influenced even by the most basic of factors such as your choice of home construction materials. We recommend working with an experienced real estate agent to ensure you get the best deal.


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