HomeBusinessWho is Teresa Fidalgo? Debunking the fake ghost story that's

Who is Teresa Fidalgo? Debunking the fake ghost story that’s

Teresa Fidalgo is a Brazilian copywriter and content marketer who has worked with some of the world’s top brands. In this article, we’ll be debunking the false story that Teresa Fidalgo is a fake ghost storyteller who can curse people. Read on to learn more about this fascinating copywriter!

What is Teresa Fidalgo?

Debunking the fake ghost story that’s circulating online

Teresa Fidalgo is not a ghost. She is a real person who has lived and worked in the Houston area for over 30 years. The story circulating online purporting to be her ghost story is simply not true.

The Fake Ghost Story That’s Circulating

Teresa Fidalgo is not a ghost. There is no legitimate evidence to support the claim that she is one. In fact, there is evidence to suggest that she is nothing more than a hoax created by online trolls as part of a campaign of misinformation.

Debunking Teresa’s Claims

Teresa Fidalgo is a self-proclaimed ghost hunter who has been sharing her alleged experiences online for years. However, many of her stories are false and have been debunked by independent journalists and researchers.

Fidalgo began her ghost-hunting career on social media in 2016, posting about alleged sightings of ghosts in apartments, schools, and other buildings. However, many of her claims have been debunked as fake or hoaxes by independent journalists and researchers. In one instance, Fidalgo claimed to have captured footage of a ghostly figure following her around a school. However, the video she posted was actually from an unrelated incident that took place months earlier.

In addition to making false claims about ghosts, Fidalgo has also been accused of making other false claims about her life and career. For example, she has claimed to have worked as a fashion model before becoming a ghost hunter, when in fact she has never worked as a model and has only worked as a writer since starting her online ghost hunting career.


Teresa Fidalgo debunks the fake ghost story that’s been spreading on social media. The story goes like this: A young woman named Teresa was murdered in her home, and her spirit has been haunting the property ever since. Teresa’s family has enlisted the help of a medium to rid their home of the ghost, but things haven’t gone as planned. The medium claims that Teresa is haunted by dark spirits who are angry at her family for avenging her death. However, Teresa’s cousin debunk this story and reveal that it is nothing more than a hoax created by an online user with a vendetta against Teresa’s family.


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