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HomeBusinessPerformance and Efficiency of Electronic Vacuum Regulator

Performance and Efficiency of Electronic Vacuum Regulator

The electronic vacuum regulator valve is available in either a regular analog or a high-performance digital display configuration. These pressure controllers are suitable for many applications and are usually used as the pilot set point for our dome-loaded back pressure regulators. Numerous pressure ranges are accessible with very high resolution. While the electronic vacuum regulator valve can readily control inert gases at low and medium flow rates, a dome-loaded pressure regulator is often used to regulate liquid and multiphase fluids electronically.

The Operation of Electronic Pressure Regulators:

Servo electronic vacuum regulator valve operates by maintaining the outlet pressure at the appropriate setpoint using push and vent valves. A tiny internal pressure sensor monitors the output pressure, and a digital or analog controller changes the timing of the servo valves to maintain the set point. Typically, these EPRs need a direct current power source and a set point signal. Typically, analog controllers take either current or voltage input. Serial communications are supported on models with digital circuitry and the typical analog protocols. Additionally, most models have a feedback signal that informs the pressure sensor’s value.

Electronic Pressure Regulators in Loop:

A control option accessible for most EPRs is two-loop control, utilizing an external feedback signal. This technique is advantageous when pressure must be maintained at a place other than the EPR’s position or when the client possesses a higher-quality pressure transmitter than the electronically controlled pressure regulator provides. Typically, these devices continue to regulate the valve timing through the internal pressure sensor but bias the signal from the internal pressure sensor as required matching the external feedback signal to the command (setpoint) signal.

An external pressure transmitter is linked directly to the process in the design to the right and gives feedback to the controller. Interestingly, these devices may be used to regulate phenomena other than pressure. For example, linear air cylinder movement may be controlled by giving the electronic vacuum regulator valve a linear displacement feedback signal. The controller will make appropriate adjustments to the output pressure to match the displacement feedback signal to the setpoint signal.

How Automated Process Control Is Accomplished Via the Use of Dome-Loaded Pressure Regulators:

The term “dome-loaded” refers to a pressure regulator whose set point is determined by the pressure of a fluid (usually air) in the top dome port. A manual pressure reduction regulator (PRR) or electronic pressure controller controls the fluid on the dome. When used with EPRs, dome-loaded pressure regulators allow total computer control of a process liquid, gas, or mixed phase stream. This technique offers several benefits over conventional pressure control valves, which often have a delayed reaction time, have restricted flow ratios, and are tuned using a PID loop. On the other hand, owing to cost considerations, major chemical facilities depend on classic electronic vacuum regulators valve. 

Backpressure Regulators with A Dome-Shaped Load From Equilibar:

Equilibar dome-loaded back pressure regulators (BPRs) feature a 1:1 ratio between the dome setpoint pressure and the regulated intake pressure. They are employed in various complicated automated process control applications worldwide. Equilibar’s unique BPRs, when combined with an electronic vacuum regulator valve, may enable accurate automated control for challenging operations.


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