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HomeEducationHow to Effectively use CBSE Sample Papers for 12th Boards

How to Effectively use CBSE Sample Papers for 12th Boards

As the CBSE Term-2 exams are approaching, students are eager to know about the best tips and tricks to ace the exam, the best study material to read, writing the answer correctly to achieve full marks, etc. When it comes to studying material, every student needs to cover the concepts of NCERT and then jump to reference books, practice papers, mock test sample papers, etc.The Central Board of Secondary Education recently released the Sample Papers for term 2 exams of class 12th. These sample papers were based on the most recent exam pattern and the latest CBSE Class 12 syllabus. Many students find it challenging to understand the sample papers and how they can use them to attain good marks in the exam. In this blog post, we are going to share ‘How to effectively use CBSE sample papers for 12th Boards’ and methods to idealize the Sample papers and excel in the exam.

What is Sample Paper?

A sample paper is a similar copy of the actual question paper. It will help students in knowing the recent exam pattern, latest question analogy, marking scheme, internal choice if any. Students preparing for CBSE board Term 2 exams can get a good idea of the question paper by going through these CBSE Sample Papers for 12th boards.

Effective use CBSE sample papers for 12th Boards

Sample papers are an important tool for achieving the highest possible score on the exam. As they will going to assist you in understanding the below-mentioned points:

  • Structure of question Paper
  • Level of questions
  • Types of questions
  • Marking scheme
  • How to write a perfect answer

Now let’s have a deeper look at the above point and how they are beneficial

  1. Structure of question Paper: A CBSE sample paper for 12th Boards will give you a clear insight of structure of the question paper that includes total number of questions, number of sections along with internal choice if any. 
  2. Level of questions: Students get a fair idea of the difficulty level of questions and can prepare accordingly. 
  3. Types of Questions: The sample papers for 12th Boards shows that the CBSE Term 2 exam papers will consists of subjective type of questions consisting of Short answers and Long answer type questions wherein the number of questions vary as per the subject.
  4. Marking scheme: The marking scheme will help you in knowing the sectionwise/ question wise weightage of any particular section/ question.
  5. How to write a perfect answer: The marking scheme provided with the sample papers will also help you to know the step wise weightage of your answer and let you know what to exactly write in answer to ge4t full marks in the same, in a way on How to Prepare for CBSE Class 12 Term 2 Exams.

The below table will highlight all the major points related to CBSE TERM 2 Sample Papers in a concise manner

Particulars Physics Chemistry Mathematics Biology English
No. of Questions 12 questions compulsory 12 questions compulsory 14 questions compulsory 13 questions compulsory
No. of sections 3 Sections: Sec. ASec. BSec. C 3 Sections:Sec. ASec. BSec. C 3 Sections:Sec. ASec. BSec. C 3 Sections:Sec. ASec. BSec. C 3 Sections: ReadingWritingLiterature
No. of question and marks 3Qs. 2 marks each8Qs. 3 marks each1 Q. 5 mark 3Qs. 2 marks each8Qs. 3 marks each1 Q. 5 mark 6Qs. 2 marks each4Qs. 3 marks each4Qs. 4 marks each 6Qs. 2 marks each6Qs. 3 marks each1 Q. 5 marks  Reading: 14 MarksWriting: 8 MarksLiterature: 18 Marks
Total Marks 35 Marks  35 Marks  40 marks 35 Marks 40 marks

*All subject question papers will have few internal choices

Summing up

Since CBSE has only released one sample paper per subject, you must practice through MTG 21 ScoreMore Sample Papers for Class 12th to make your preparation more effective. These are exact copies of the CBSE blueprint. Offering plenty of practice for the class 12th CBSE Term 2 exams.


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