HomeBusinessWhat Is Right To Manage London? Unlocking The Benefits Of Self-Management

What Is Right To Manage London? Unlocking The Benefits Of Self-Management

Have you ever dreamt of taking control of your property management and being the master of your own destiny? Right to Manage in London offers an exciting opportunity to do just that – unlocking the benefits of self-management and regaining control over your property. Read on to find out more about this unique opportunity and how it could benefit you!

Introduction to Right to Manage London

The Right to Manage (RTM) is a process that enables tenants to take over the management of their building from their landlord. In London, this process is known as Right to manage London.

The benefits of self-management are numerous, including improved communication between tenants and landlords, increased transparency and accountability, and greater control over the day-to-day running of the property. RTM also gives tenants the opportunity to reduce costs and improve services.

If you live in a residential property in London and are considering taking advantage of RTM, it’s important to understand the process and what’s involved. This guide will give you an overview of RTM London, including the eligibility criteria, the steps involved, and the benefits you could enjoy as a result.

What Does Right to Manage Mean?

The Right to Manage (RTM) is a legal process that enables leasehold tenants to take over the management of their building from the landlord. The RTM is enshrined in theCommonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002 and gives qualifying tenants the right to appoint a management company of their choice to manage the building on their behalf. 

In order for tenants to exercise their RTM, they must first form a company. Once formed, the company must serve notice on the landlord and any other relevant parties, such as the managing agent. The notice must state the company’s intention to take over the management of the building and must be signed by at least 50% of the qualifying tenants. 

Once served, the landlord has 28 days to respond. If they do not respond or if they serve a counter-notice objecting to the RTM, then tenants can apply to court for an order confirming their right to manage. 

If successful, an order will be granted and management of the building will transfer to the tenant-led management company on a date specified in the order. The management company will then have full responsibility for managing the building in accordance with its leasehold obligations.

Benefits of Self-Management

Self-management can have a number of benefits for both landlords and tenants. For landlords, self-management can lead to increased rent due to the lack of management fees. In addition, self-management can also lead to improved communication between landlord and tenant as well as a sense of responsibility from the tenant. For tenants, self-management can provide greater flexibility and control over their living situation. In addition, self-management can also lead to increased communication and collaboration with other tenants.

Process of Acquiring Right To Manage

Acquiring the Right to Manage for your building is a process that starts with serving notice to your landlord. This notice must be signed by at least two-thirds of the qualifying tenants in the building, and it must state your intention to claim the Right to Manage. 

Your landlord then has 28 days to respond to this notice. Once they have received it, they must provide you with certain information about the management of the building, including details of any current managing agent and what services they provide. 

If your landlord does not respond within 28 days, or if you are dissatisfied with their response, you can apply to a First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) for an order granting you the Right to Manage. 

Once you have been granted the Right to Manage, you can begin setting up your own management company. This company will be responsible for carrying out day-to-day tasks such as maintenance and repairs, collecting rent, and dealing with tenancy issues. 

The process of acquiring the Right to Manage can seem daunting, but there are plenty of resources available to help you through it. The first step is always to serve notice on your landlord; from there, everything else will fall into place.

Qualifying Criteria for Right To Manage

The qualifying criteria for Right to Manage are as follows: 

-The building must be self-contained, meaning it cannot be part of a larger development. 

-It must be residential, meaning that it is used for private residential purposes and not commercial purposes. 

-A minimum of two thirds of the flats in the building must be owned by qualifying tenants. 

-At least half of the qualifying tenants must support the Right to Manage application.

Case Studies for Successful Self-Management

As the benefits of self-management in London have become more widely known, an increasing number of case studies have documented the successful implementation of this type of management style. In particular, self-management has been shown to be an effective way to improve communication and collaboration within a team, as well as increase employee engagement and motivation.

One well-known example of a successful self-managed team is Zappos, an online retailer that was founded in 1999. Zappos has been consistently ranked as one of the best places to work in the United States, and its unique culture has been credited with contributing to its success. Zappos’ employees are given a great deal of freedom and responsibility, and they are encouraged to be proactive and take initiative. This type of environment has fostered a high level of trust and transparency among employees, which has led to improved communication and collaboration.

Another company that has implemented self-management successfully is Valve, a video game developer that was founded in 1996. Valve’s co-founder Gabe Newell has been quoted as saying that the company’s flat structure allows for “faster decision making, better information flow, [and] reduced overhead”. Like Zappos, Valve gives its employees a great deal of freedom and responsibility, and they are expected to be proactive in their roles. This type of environment has contributed to Valve’s success in developing groundbreaking video games such as Half-Life 2 and

Challenges Faced in Self-Management

There are a number of challenges that can be faced when it comes to self-management, especially in a large city like London. One of the biggest challenges is simply getting started and organised. It can be difficult to know where to begin and how to get all the necessary information and support in place.

Another challenge is maintaining momentum and keeping up with the day-to-day tasks of self-management. This can be especially difficult if there are a lot of people involved in the process. It is important to have systems and processes in place to make sure everyone is on track and knows what needs to be done.

Finally, one of the biggest challenges faced in self-management is dealing with problems and setbacks. Things will inevitably go wrong from time to time, but it is how you deal with these problems that will determine whether or not self-management is successful. It is important to have a plan for dealing with problems so that they can be quickly and efficiently resolved.


Right to Manage London is a great way for those living in London to enjoy the benefits of self-management. It provides tenants with an efficient and cost-effective way of managing their rental property, helps protect them from unfair landlords and allows them to make important decisions about how their home is run. With Right to Manage London, tenants can take control of their lives without having to worry about being taken advantage of by unscrupulous landlords or agents.


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