Friday, March 14, 2025
HomeNewsSmart Bitcoin Strategies To Accumulate Gold Bullion

Smart Bitcoin Strategies To Accumulate Gold Bullion I have heard about bitcoin a couple of years back in 2013 and never expected it to grow into a strong cryptocurrency it is today. At the time of writing this article, it is trading on the market at a value higher than gold. This opened a window to many possibilities for me, as I’m already within the market to accumulate this digital currency and gold bullion on a daily basis.

With my experience, I gained knowledge and developed methods to use this cryptocurrency and build a wealth wheel of acquiring gold on a continuous basis using its power.

The following points are methods I use to accumulate bitcoin and gold bullion.

  • Find a company that sells gold bullion
  • Open an online bitcoin wallet
  • Start mining bitcoin online or offline
  • Purchase gold bullion with bitcoin

The above are the basic steps to accomplish the process and it requires specific methods to make it successful. In my opinion this is the best bitcoin strategy to accumulate gold and get it delivered to your doorstep every single month.

Find a company that sells gold bullion

There are many online companies on the internet that sells gold bullion, but there are very few that offers incentive programs once you become their client. You need to look for a company that offers much more than only selling gold bullion. This company needs to offer quality products, such as selling gold bullion in small sizes of 1 gram, 2.5 gram and 5 gram. The gold itself must be 24 karat gold, which is the highest quality you get. The incentive programs needs to allow you to earn commissions once you refer people to the company.

Open an online bitcoin wallet

You will need a place to store your bitcoin once you are ready to get started within the cryptocurrency market. There are many online bitcoin wallets available to the public free of charge. Look for a company that offers a wallet to store bitcoin and an offline vault to protect it. There are many hackers trying to break into the wallets of online users and steal all their bitcoin. If you store your bitcoin offline, you will never be a victim of online hackers.

5 Stages of Technology Adoption Schools across the globe are going through a growth spurt of sorts, which is both painful and unavoidable. I’m talking, of course, about technology integration. Maybe your class is using a COW (Computer on Wheels) cart once a week or maybe every student in your school is suddenly holding an iPad and administrators are throwing around the dreaded phrase “going paperless.” Whatever the level of technology integration, we all seem to be in some state of transition toward new technology at any given time. The painful truth, though, is that no matter how many professional development sessions we receive or how many tools we are given, many adults struggle to adapt to new technology. We approach the new school year fully aware that our students will hack the media and turn it to their own deviant uses before we as teachers even learn to turn the device on. The solution to this problem is simple. It’s time to take a page from our students’ playbook. We need to jump quickly over the hurdles of trepidation, fear, and distrust, in order to come out ahead in the technology race.

Beat the Fear of New Technology

Not unlike the 5 Stages of Loss and Grief, all people (not just adults) go through a series of predictable reactions when confronted with new technology. Knowing that these stages are the same for everyone and that it’s not just you against the world, you can start to move through the stages more quickly. You can learn to follow the lead of your students and turn fear into excitement and ultimately, acceptance.

Stage 1- Denial

As teachers, we work hard to hone our craft. Year to year we make small adjustments to the curriculum, our lesson plans, and our classroom management systems in order to maximize our efficacy. Therefore, it can feel like a real shock when administrators declare an abrupt and sweeping change, such as a paperless classes, and 1:1 technology integration (where each student works on a device, whether it is a computer, tablet, or even their phone). Many teachers will experience an automatic response to the news. The general reaction is “This is never going to work!”

It turns out this is a normal reaction toward new technology. Even children, who seem flexible and enthusiastic about every new wave of technological development, go through an initial uncertainty. The key to successful technology adoption is to accept that you will feel frustrated and scared. It is normal. Simply acknowledging your fear can help you move through this phase more quickly. The last thing you want is to let the fear take over and for paralysis to set in. It’s OK to say “I’m freaked out and I don’t like this.” But don’t stop there. Move past the fear and try the technology.


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