HomeLifestyleSigns Your Loved One May Need Full-Time Care

Signs Your Loved One May Need Full-Time Care

Several signs may have popped up recently that have you concerned about your parents or grandparents; what you might have just written off as forgetfulness before can no longer be ignored. It’s a tough job acting as a caretaker for the elderly and one that’s quite difficult to take on alone.

If things aren’t seeming quite right these days, take a look at the signs below to see if you may be saying soon that you need to find memory care near me to provide help for your loved ones. 

Bills Are Going Unpaid

Anyone can forget to pay a bill now and then. It happens to the best of us. But, when your loved one has no idea why the cable was cut off or the water stopped running, it’s gone beyond one missed payment. Consider the following circumstances as well: 

  • Inability to manage finances: Cognitively, tasks like opening statements, reconciling accounts, writing checks, and paying online are too complex.
  • Overdue notices pile up: Bills get lost in the mail, or paperwork piles up unopened. Late fees and penalties accrue.
  • Disorganization takes over: Without systems to track due dates and amounts owed, it’s easy to miss bills in the chaos.
  • Denial of financial problems: Even when made aware of overdue bills, the person may not understand the urgency or importance of paying them.
  • Impact on daily living: Utilities shut off means no power, water, etc. This threatens health/safety.
  • Warning from family/banks: Loved ones or financial institutions flag serious issues that one person can no longer handle independently.
  • Sign of executive function decline: Managing money requires planning, organization, and execution, which become impaired in cognitive decline.
  • Indicator of the need for financial power of attorney – A trusted person is needed to take over bill paying and financial responsibilities.

Hygiene and Housekeeping Go by the Wayside

It’s one thing to skip a shower occasionally, but when bathing becomes too challenging, it’s time to seek help. Also, keep in mind the following. 

  • Bathing becomes challenging: Seniors may forget to bathe regularly or have trouble with tasks like washing their hair, shaving, or reaching all of their body. This can lead to poor hygiene.
  • Getting dressed is difficult: They may put clothes on inside out/backwards or choose inappropriate outfits due to forgetfulness or impaired judgment.
  • Oral hygiene slips: Brushing teeth, flossing, and denture care are overlooked, raising the risks of gum disease, tooth loss, and infections.
  • Grooming is abandoned: Shaving, nail care, and hair washing/styling are given up. Untamed hair and nails pose health hazards and social embarrassment.
  • Laundry piles up: Forgotten loads of laundry or inability to operate machines lead to foul odors from dirty clothes and bedding.
  • Cooking becomes risky: Seniors may accidentally start kitchen fires by forgetting about food cooking. 
  • The home is messy and unsanitary. Dishes and garbage pile up. Surfaces get sticky or moldy without regular cleaning, and decluttering eludes them.
  • Unsafe living conditions: Pets are neglected. Seniors may forget to feed, water, or let out pets, which can cause them to act out. 
  • Home hazards like clutter and spills increase fall risks. The house may attract pests without basic upkeep.

If you see one sign, it may not be time. However, if multiple of the above issues resonate, call around for help. You don’t have to do this alone. 

Bryan Cunningham is a writer who explores many different types of stories. He is skilled at creating interesting tales in various categories, making his work enjoyable for a wide range of readers.

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