HomeDigital marketingSEO for a Photography Company 6 Super Tricks

SEO for a Photography Company 6 Super Tricks

Search engine optimization (SEO) is not just about keywords and links. SEO is an art and a science that helps you drive traffic to your website and convert it into sales. If you’re just starting out, SEO can seem a little intimidating, especially if you’re a professional photographer. This article will walk you through the most important SEO strategies, explaining how each method helps you grow your photography business – Photographers Warrington.

What is Photography & SEO?

The art of taking pictures to visually tell a story is called photography. Usually, the story is one that the photographer wants to convey to the audience, and the photographic equipment used is only a means to an end. The word “photography” is derived from the Greek words φωτός (phōtos) meaning “light” and γραφή (graphé) meaning “drawing”, together meaning “drawing with light”. A picture is worth a thousand words, and a photographer can use pictures to tell the story of their life, their scientific discovery, or anything else they can dream of.

Most photographers enjoy photography because it is an art, and not a science. If you’re one of those people, then this article is for you. There is a huge variety of photography styles, each with their own unique philosophy. Here are four of the main types.

“SEO” stands for “search engine optimization,” and it refers to the techniques you use to get search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo! to list your website in their results. To get traffic from search engines, you need to earn a high page rank. High page rank means that your web site is considered a valuable, trustworthy resource.


Where to Start

The photography industry has many different niches. Whether you’re in the professional field or just a hobbyist, there’s no doubt you have to market yourself. In the current internet-driven world, photography SEO is the way to go. It’s not an easy task, but it’s essential if you want to get noticed. By following the steps in this guide, you’ll be able to make your photography website attractive to both your customers and search engines.

SEO ( Animal Thinking )
Where to Start ?

Search engine optimization is a hot topic in today’s world. With many people opting to use a search engine instead of a directory to find something, an internet search for a photography site is of particular interest. The problem is, however, that there are many different types of photography websites, and the techniques for optimizing them will be very different. The key is to find out what kind of photography site you have, and apply the correct techniques to it.

Tips For Successful Photography SEO

Firstly, do your keyword research. You will most likely have some different photography services such as newborn baby photography, family portrait photography, model shooting, wedding photography and more. This has to be combined with your target locations. Its best to start with your main location (town/city) and then optimise to more locations when your start to see results.

To optimise the website, here are the do’s:

  1. Build a page for each service

It is incredibly important to have a page for every topic. Just like any website has its own page for each service or product, this helps with SEO as a page can only rank for a limited number of keywords, usually only keywords relating to the topic itself. Therefore, build out a page for each service and optimise each one towards your target location.

2. Optimise Title tags

This is something I am asked often by business owners, bloggers, small business owners, and even site owners that do not have a lot of knowledge on the subject.  A title tag is the heading at the top of your web page that is visible in your browser.  It is the main page heading that is seen by people viewing your site.  It is also one of the most important parts of your page to optimize for search engine optimization (SEO). In fact, it is one of the three important things you should optimize for SEO when you create a new page.

It is vital for you to use the title tags for SEO. That is to say, that the title tags are the words that go in the title bar of the web browser when you are visiting a website. The title tags are often the first thing that someone will read when visiting a website, so if you want to be noticed, your title tags have to be the best. The title tags are extremely important for SEO, because the words in the title bar are often considered by the search engines to be the most important words of a website.

For example, one title tag would be as simple as ‘Wedding Photography Warrington – [Brand Name Here]’. Always include your brand name at the end.

3. Optimise Image names

The name of the image files that your upload to your website must have your keywords. As simple as that!

4. Optimise Meta descriptions

Meta descriptions are one of the most important elements for search engine optimization, or SEO. While many search engines have phased out the relevance of meta descriptions, most of the major search engines still use them to determine the relevance of a web page. The description should contain keywords that are relevant to the content of the page. It should be under 155 characters and should not contain extraneous characters or information. Meta descriptions are typically the snippet of text that appears in the search engine results page (SERP) when a website or web page is searched.

Meta descriptions are used by search engines as snippets of text that describe the content of a page. They can be used to enhance a page’s SEO or stand out in the search engine results pages. Based on the information you’ve gathered so far, write the blog post body. We’ve provided the first few sentences below; write the rest of the blog post. The audience: Bloggers who run a (photography) blog and want to know what meta descriptions are for SEO The situation:  In Google’s eyes, a blogger who runs a (photography) blog probably has a lot of visitors searching their site for information on photography.

5. Optimise Page names (H1 heading tags)

Essentially, they are the first sentence of each and every post on a website. This is something that search engine optimisation specialists focus on because it is important that the first sentence of your post is something that will draw in readers and draw them into the rest of your content.

For those who are new to the world of blogging and SEO, h1 tags are a primary way to optimize your blog for search engines.  H1 tags are the headline of any given blog post, and they also have the highest page rank within a given page, so they are crucial in terms of search engine optimization. For maximum SEO, try to have just one h1 tag on your entire blog.  It should always be the title of your blog post.  This will help search engines to understand your content and give it higher authority.

For example, one page name would be as simple as ‘Wedding Photography Warrington’.

6. Optimise Alt Tags for Images

Most of the time, when you see an image on a web page, you will see a little text box below the image. This is called an “alt text”. It helps when the image cannot be seen by a person, such as if they are using a screen reader or the image has failed to load. The alt text is also important for SEO.

ALT tags, which stand for alternative text, are a part of HTML that allow you to describe an image. It’s an easy way for search engines to figure out what your image is about. Unlike a lot of on-page SEO techniques, there is no set formula for how to use ALT tags and the right way to format them. The best way to use ALT tags is simply to use them correctly every time. The Basics of ALT Tags ALT tags are not used for display on the page, only for search engines. ALT tags should be brief and to the point. ALT tags should not include content that duplicates your page content. Use ALT tags for all images

For a photography website, alt text should be especially important and make use of all those images uploaded into those galleries.

7. Write a lot of content

Make sure to include a lot of text on the page also and this text should contain your keywords a few times so that search engines know what you do.

What is Keyword?

What is On-Page SEO & Off-Page SEO



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