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HomeBusinessImportant Things You Should Know Before Planning A Hair Transplant

Important Things You Should Know Before Planning A Hair Transplant

Baldness and thinning hair are common conditions affecting both men and women, with about 25% of men experiencing baldness before turning 21. Baldness can result from several causes, including heredity and dietary inadequacies. Patchy hairline and partial baldness affect a large number of people, lowering confidence and their self-esteem. Thankfully, you can get treatment by engaging a Manchester hair transplant surgeon.

Your hair transplant has a high chance of succeeding when performed by a competent expert, and it will not have any adverse consequences. Your hair transplant in the UK will involve extracting healthy hair grafts from the donor region to the bald spot or the receding hairline. You could regain confidence with this approach of fixing your appearance. Here are a few things you should know before consulting a specialist for your hair transplant. 

Are hair transplants necessary for you?

Transplanting your hair is an optional cosmetic surgery. You should consult a professional if you are concerned about your hair loss to guide you through the available treatment options.

What is causing your baldness?

Your hair loss can result from several factors; however, most men with hair loss experience have androgenetic alopecia and male pattern baldness. Thankfully, it is permanently treatable with hair transplant surgeries.

It is a surgical procedure

Getting a hair transplant is a medical procedure that entails extracting all hair follicles and bases from regions on your head and transferring them to a balding spot. The physician then transplants the hair they have removed from the donor site into the bald parts of your scalp (recipient site). The process is painless and requires four to eight hours. Physicians can use a similar approach on other body parts, including your pubic area, lashes, and eyebrows.

The age factor

It is critical to determine your pattern of hair loss before any surgical intervention. As a result, men below the age of 25 can receive medical therapy, which is highly effective. The second element influenced by a patient’s age is how it affects the hair restoration design. Individuals with pattern hair loss continue losing non-transplanted hair for the rest of their lives. These are critical areas of concern whenever you plan a natural-looking and unnoticeable hair transplant.

Natural and transplanted hair are similar

You can maintain or care for your grafted hair like regular hair once it begins growing since it’s identical to natural hair. The transplant doesn’t require special treatment, and you can style, wash or handle it in any way you choose. 

Are hair transplants permanent?

Hair transplants are permanent to a large extent. They will grow for a significant duration when transplanted, potentially for the rest of one’s life. They won’t become thin or drop off post their transplantation. Patients can choose between the FUT (Follicular unit transplantation) and FUE (Follicular unit extraction) methods. In both of these processes, physicians take hair transplants from the donor sites- sections of the scalp that are not bald. Beyond that, improved bio transplantation is the most advanced technology for transplanting hair.

Hair transplants differ from one person to another

It’s worth noting that hair regeneration varies from individual to individual before signing up for your hair transplant. It is solely dependent on hair density within your donor location. Additionally, you may not end up with a full head of thick hair after undergoing hair transplants.

Regular day-to-day life after a hair transplant

Ensure that you follow your physician’s instructions after your hair transplant by taking your anti-inflammatory and antibiotics exactly as prescribed. Next, utilize your hair washer following the physician’s instructions to moisten your head. You should also keep away from direct sunlight exposure, strenuous activities, and swimming activities for the first one month after your surgery. Avoid utilizing substances like gels and chemical treatments for at least a month. 

Medical treatment

Hair transplants are, for the most of it, permanent; therefore, they do not require medication to keep them in place. It’s critical to note that hair transplants are intended to conceal bald spots. Natural hair on the forehead can still lead to loss of hair. For this reason,  you should make efforts and treatments to preserve your hair’s general health.

Hair transplant procedure options

Medical therapy is an option for the treatment of hair loss. Two drugs licensed by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) have proven to be successful as a remedy for over 80% of men. This therapy is successful, although it is not long-lasting. Hair loss returns once you stop using these drugs.

Experience of your hair transplant surgeon

The technique of hair transplantation is critical to ensuring that it is undetectable. Thus, you can expect good results if the surgeon is skilled and experienced. After your hair transplant, scarring at the donor site will depend on the ability of your skin to recover, the method used for removing grafts, and the competence of your surgeon.


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