How to Prepare Your Blog for the New Year


Have you prepared your blog for the New Year ?

If the answer is no, then Google will give you ‘N’ number of ways to make your blog a success in the next year. But as a smart marketer you need to look for such ideas and opportunities that will not only help in getting the desired success but also help in promoting the product.

Before diving into the article, let us discuss why. We even need to put effort into making our blog for the new year worth reading.

It helps in promoting the desired product, which eventually leads to boosting sales of the company.

Next is, breathing a blog helps to make people aware by creating brand awareness, this helps in creating the goodwill of the company which in turn leads to more sales.

Another important benefit of keeping an updated blog is that it helps in turning more and more visitors into your customers. This helps in getting positive reviews from the customers and father customers by word-of-mouth sharing their positive experience with others, and in turn, hell’s the company by providing more and more customer’s and thereby growing the company. 

Now let’s learn a few tips that will help you in maintaining Your blog for the new year. It will ensure your growth, more traffic, and eventual revenue as a result. 

1# Find and fix the broken links on your website 

It can be possible that you have a bunch of broken links on your website, or any other technical issues that need to be addressed quickly. You can use SEO link building which can help in fixing the broken links. 

This could be the reason why your website no longer exists on the online page. Whatever the reason may be, a broken URL or links poses a bad experience for the users, they hamlet their navigation which reduces the traffic from the website. 

So you need to fix them as quickly as you can.

To fix them you need to find them. This can be done with the help of Incrementors SEO marketing, this is the best way to Crawl through the website and find the flaws. 

2# Content audit to prepare your blog for the New Year

When your content doesn’t perform well, it can be presented as either loss of traffic which eventually leads to the loss of the customers.

To. Save yourself from such a situation you need to do an audit check, to make sure that the content is performing as per the expectation of the marketers. 

Other than that, improving your content as per the latest upgrade also helps you to stay ahead in the race. Coming up with regular updates helps in returning the customers.

3# Reaching the targeted audience 

Social media is open for everyone that allows everyone to connect, and share. Not being able to reach the right audience can be very fatal for the brand. So the marketer should spend some time on social media analyzing the situation and targeting the right audience. Social Media is a platform that helps them grow their business. 

As there are many benefits associated with using social media Media, it is important to make a strategy and put some into reviews before setting goals that will allow them to take action accordingly.

Social Media allowed marketers to fulfill this activity by creating outstanding content. Their competitors approach the target audience to boost sales.

Social media helps the marketers in reaching the targeted audience, by improving their customer service and after-sales service. It also helps the marketers to provide a platform where they can meet for the exchange of goods and services 

By targeting the right audience, it helps the marketers to identify the buyers and generate leads.

4#  Keyword targeting 

 Keyword targeting is a very important method to drive traffic to your website and doing it allows Google SEO to provide the right customers according to the Google Searches. Targeting the wrong keyword can be another factor to devalue your Brand which in turn leads to defaming your Brand. 

Targeting us is very important as it helps the marketer to invest in the traffic and boost sales. So while searching for keywords the marketers should include only high search volume because they only decide the quality of your content. 

So to make sure your target the right keywords you need to keep a few things in mind before deciding the relevant keywords:

  • Find keywords gaps 
  • Use SEO tools available online
  • Understand the keyword before writing content over it. 
  • Target the relevant keywords in your content according to the search 
  • Use related keywords to increase huge traffic and boost sales. 

5# Good experience 

Another secret that allows the marketer to outstand others is to have a website that is easy to navigate as it provides the customer with a satisfactory experience. 

The majority of the bloggers while writing and posting the content forget to consider the experience and expectations of the customers.   But it is one of the main factors for the success of any company as these websites are the only medium for the customers to interact with the markers.  

So to create better relations between the market and the customers, websites should be made which are easy to handle and offer a great experience to visitors. Once you provide them with a website that satisfies that by providing them with the necessary information at one place and by allowing them to navigate easily it decreases the bouncing date of the visitors which eventually proves to be beneficial for the company as it increases the sales.

So while designing a website next time,  you should make sure to add easy titles and Meta tags that become easy for the customers to find their search. These small details may seem not important from the point of view of the blogger, these things indirectly affect your reputation and brand value. 


So for the coming new year make sure to analyze your website beforehand, and if you find any of the above factors responsible for Hampering your website and blog for the new year do consider them.

Author BIO –  Shiv Gupta started his journey in the digital marketing world at the age of 17. He grabbed deep knowledge of the industry and earned multiple awards. Incrementors was founded by him to provide the best marketing solution to struggling businesses with a goal to help them achieve higher sales and conversions. Incrementors don’t give fluff or “high-level” advice. They just give an insanely actionable plan that works.