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GramFree | How to Earn From GramFree? Is GramFree Legit? (Best Beginners Guide)

What is CryptoCurrency?

In this article, we will explain each & every aspect of the GramFree website, but before going into detail, let us build your concept about cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency is a medium of Encrypted and decentralized exchange ( cannot be controlled by a single authority ). This digital currency can be used instead of Credit Cards to buy anything in the World. This currency is considered one of the best by experts and ordinary people because of their security and minimal fee. Recently, a transaction of 5 Billion Dollars was done between two private parties, and the price was less than 200$, which is fantastic.

First-Ever CryptoCurrency

The first-ever cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto, a Digital Currency & Computer Science Expert.

CryptoCurrency Race

Over the last few years, thousands of Digital Currencies came into existence. And every currency is trying to overtake the other one. In this race, there is a Digital Currency developed by Telegram called Gram Free. This currency is based on the TON Black Chain.

Now in this article, we will explain each aspect of Gram Free. 

What is Gram Free?

Gram Free lies in the category of cryptocurrency, but for the sake of understanding, we will define it like, ” Gram Free is a Get to Paid ” website where Gram Free award their users with “Gram” by performing simple tasks.

You are here to know, Is GramFree legit? & How to Earn from GramFree?

In this article, we will guide you in complete detail about GramFree in simple and easy steps.

How to Create an Account on GramFree

If you are interested in creating a proper Account on GramFree, follow the following steps carefully because if you make any mistake, you may lose all your Grams.

  • Step No 1

Go to GramFree’s official website; After complete loading, the GramFree website interface will look like as shown below.

How to Signup GramFree
How to Signup GramFree
  • Step No 2

Now click on Signup 

How to Signup GramFree
  • Step No 3 

After clicking on SIGNUP, you will get the below interface; now you have two option,

  • Create an Account using your Face book ID
  • Create an Account using your Gmail ID
How to Signup GramFree
  • Step No 4

Let us create an Account using Gmail ID, so for this, click on “Continue with Google.”

How to Signup GramFree
  • Step No 5

After clicking on “Continue with Gmail,” it will be redirected to all of your Gmail accounts that you have login into chrome or any other browser. Select any of your Gmail accounts

How to Signup GramFree
  • Step No 6

Congrats! Your Account has been created successfully.

How to Signup GramFree

How to SingUp Video Guide

If you are still confused how to create account, then watch the video carefully

How to Earn From GramFree

Everyone can earn “Gram” from the GramFree website by 5 Methods. Each method is explained in detail below

You can Earn “Grams” by performing the following tasks

  • Inviting New Users to this Website (Referral)
  • Earning Lottery
  • Watching Videos
  • Smart-Contracts
  • By Investing in it.

Inviting New Users

As we know that referral means an act of referring someone for performing a specific task at a particular time.

The same is the case here; in GramFree you can earn “Grams” by inviting new users that may be your friends or anyone else. If you ask someone to the GramFree website using your referral link and the user signup successfully, you will get 10 Grams for each registration.

How to Invite Users?

  • Step No 1

First of all Login to your Gram Free account,

  • Step No 2

Now click on the “Referrals”

  • Step No 3

Now copy the highlighted link,

  • Step No 4

Now share this link with your friends and also on social media like Facebook etc


The option of lottery service is available 24/7 on the website. How much you can earn through the Lottery depends on your position; If you got a place between 1st & 10th, you would be rewarded with 5000 Grams.

How to Earn From GramFree through Lottery
How to Earn From GramFree through Lottery

But remember you can’t participate in Lottery Service freely, for participating you have to buy tickets. The more you buy tickets, the more is the chances of winning the Lottery.

My Personal Experiences shows that even if you buy 1000 tickets, there is still a rare chance of getting a position between 1st & 10th,” mean earning 5000 Grams”

This is a tactic used by many GTP websites

How to Use Lottery Service

Step No 1

First of all Login to your account

  • Step No 2

Now click on Lottery option

  • Step No 3

Now you have to buy tickets, as per GramFree, the greater the number of tickets greater will be the chance of winning. So select a number of tickets as per your budget and then click on BUY to confirm participation in Lottery.

Watching Videos

If you don’t want to invest in GramFree and feel hesitant by inviting your friends to this website, you can still earn GRAMS by watching few seconds videos or uploading videos to GramFree.

GramFree rewards its users for watching videos they provided in the Video Section. For Each watch, you will earn 0.1 Gram & for Each video you upload, you will make 5 Grams.

How to watch videos

How to earn “Grams” by watching videos,

Smart Contracts         

Smart-Contract is an agreement between two parties in the form of computer code.

This is another way of earning from GramFree.Smart-Contracts are available on the GramFree website; if you want to use smart-contract, you will be given a specific time in which you have to sign in to a particular webpage as per the direction of GramFree.

Types of Contracts

There are two types of contracts in GF based on the award.

Standard Contract

The standard contract worth only 0.05 Grams, but in this contract, there is no risk of losing Grams

Risky Contract

A risky contract worth 1.0 Grams, but there is a high risk of losing your Grams. If you don’t do any of your smart-contract, you will lose 2.0 Grams as punishment.

I am sure you are confused now but don’t worry, watch the below video.

Who owns GramFree?

As per internet resource, GramFree is owned by Pavel Durov. But this is famous about Gram Free that their Admin is not known to anyone in the World, and also there is now public management team.

How Does GramFree Make Money?

GramFree considers itself a charitable community, but it is not. You must think that we are working on this website day and night to earn Grams, but how does this website make money?

The answer is this website makes money by three different methods and techniques.

Ad Revenue

 This website uses ads as a blogger use Google Ad-sense; whenever someone comes to this website and clicks on the ad, the website owner gets paid for that. This is the most common MethodMethod use by every website owner.

Selling Grams

 The second way of making money is by selling their currency “Grams” to their users. For example, if you want to participate in Lottery you have to buy tickets. Tickets mean “Grams,” and you will purchase those tickets/Grams with your real money.

Withdrawal Fee

This is another way of earning money; whenever you transfer your grams from your wallet to someone else wallet, the GramFree website charge you for that, which is considered another way of making.

Data ( The Most Important Thing )

 Whenever you create an account on this website, this website gets you data like email, etc.; this data sold to the marketer of boosting their ads.

Important Questions User Usually Ask

Is GramFree a cryptocurrency?

GramFree claimed that they are using “GRAMS”, which is a new cryptocurrency. GramFree is not an independent currency, it is developed by Telegram for their Projects.

Is GramFree Legit?

GramFree is NOT a legit website, becuase it is not registered as a cryptocurrency, mean there is not guarantee that you will get your money.

Final Verdict

As already discussed, GramFree is an entire scam, so now it is your responsibility to inform your friends about this because everyone is busy earning grams which has no result.
The simple way to stop this scam is by sharing the correct information.
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