Email marketing is indeed the most effective and oldest marketing technique. No doubt, digital marketing companies extensively make use of this technique to promote their services and products. It facilitates them to target a huge number of people conveniently. That is why 37% of the businesses are convinced to expand their email marketing budget, as per a report. So let’s discuss in detail all about this powerful approach to promotions.
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Are you wondering what exactly email marketing is?
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In 1971, Ray Tomlinson was the first man who sent an email. Since then, it got a very popular approach to marketing to reach people.
Email marketing refers to connecting with people over emails for business advertisements. Unarguably, it is a crucial part of digital marketing which helps in conveying your message to users in abundance. Positively, a well-designed email will boost your sales and also build a community for your business. Well, there are many types of email. Take a look at them:
Significantly, the emails are used for promotional purposes. As email marketing is a very commonly used technique. It has the capability to target a greater section of the population, it will promote the brand efficiently.
You can make use of CTA buttons to encourage individuals to respond such as “Purchase Now”. Moreover, for user convenience, insert the link as well to pave the way for them to check the site and increase the chances of sales.
The newsletter assists the business to connect with the audience and provides them with regular updates on the activities or new launches in your company. You can choose to set the intervals as per your convenience such as a monthly or weekly newsletter.
Positively, emails help you convey all the announcements easily to everyone and promote the brand.
Re-engagement emailing is used to interact with users who are not very active for some time. The email marketing techniques take care of every user to keep them in the loop to send updates of the business.
What Makes Email Marketing Effective?
Definitely, marketing through emails is effective for almost every brand. Many e-commerce business owners believe that email marketing is helpful in upscaling their brand awareness among people. So check the below-mentioned advantages of investing in this promotion technique:
No cost
There is no cost included in the marketing method via emails. Unlike many other media, it does not demand a single penny and gives great results. You only require an email account that is a free and integrated form on the website to gather the email ids of people.
There are many free versions of the tools that can be used for the business. But if you opt for paid software, you will enjoy greater leads.
Result driven approach
Every marketing strategy is practiced in order to gain results that can boost sales and bring profit to the company. This approach will offer you an opportunity to enhance your reputation among people and attract them to the services.
For this purpose, you need to segment the audience wisely. The email tools let you set the ideal audience whom you want to target for greater impact. For instance, you can not target males for the e-commerce platforms that sell only female clothing or shoes.
Measurable data
No doubt, data is a crucial part of every company. It guides one to evaluate the performance and amend their strategy to fit in users’ requirements. For example; you can check the number of people who have read the emails. You will also get the updates of users who deleted or unsubscribed from the newsletter. Maybe there is a need to change the subject from boring to eye catchy.
So email marketing is definitely a powerful strategy to boost the growth of business and sales in the best possible way. It equips businesses with measurable and accurate data to work on their problematic areas.
How does email marketing work?
Well, email marketing is a not very complicated procedure but definitely involves many steps. So first of all choose a platform that you would like to use such as:
- Mailchimp
- Aweber
- ConvertKit
- Constant Contact
- SendPulse
These tools help you to automate every function and offer great features. Additionally, do not flood the recipient’s inbox with numerous emails. It will bring down their interest and affect your chances of conversions.
Benefits of automated email marketing tool for your business:
- It will help you create a list of emails.
- It uses a number of methods to add users to the list.
- Trigger the emails on their own.
- Offers a detailed report on how many users actually opened the mail.
- It gives you the option to divide the audience based on the categories.
- It retargets the people on Facebook from your list.
- Sends automated emails such as welcome to the new joiners or emails in response to their queries.
- Creates a funnel.
Overall Takeaway
It is rightly said, old is gold. Email marketing has always been beneficial for a business to promote its services to a large set of people. In today’s era, there are many digital marketing strategies but companies totally rely on emails to connect people with them. The digital marketing company in Singapore never leaves email marketing strategy behind to run behind other modern techniques. It is because the emails are accessed by every individual and have a broader targeting range.
Therefore, email marketing through tools offers an individual complete package of boosting sales.