HomeBusiness7 Common Data Governance Mistakes You Should Avoid At All Cost

7 Common Data Governance Mistakes You Should Avoid At All Cost

Data Governance is one of the most rapidly evolving fields in IT. Companies like Amazon, Netflix, Google and others are rapidly changing the way data is managed. They are moving away from the “need-to-touch-it-to-govern-it” approach of the past, to the “need-to-touch-it-to-use-it” approach of the future. Data governance is also having to deal with the fact that the most critical data for most companies is personal data. 

Data governance can be a complex and confusing topic. But it’s a topic that’s vital to your business. Data governance will help you ensure that your data is accessible, safe and secure. Storing business data might seem like an easy task, but it can also lead to serious business errors. This is why it is important to have a proper data governance policy, so your business is on the right track.

Data Governance is a hot term these days, but not many really understand what it means. In simple terms, it is a strategy that helps you organize, secure and analyze data. This blog talks about some of the common mistakes that companies make when it comes to developing a data governance strategy.

In this article, you will learn about seven common data governance mistakes that businesses make but should not.

7 Common Data Governance Mistake Businesses Should Never Make

Here are seven data governance mistakes you should avoid when implementing data governance in your organization.

  • Not Assessing The Maturity Level

Before implementing data governance in your organization, you first have to assess the maturity level of the organization regarding data management and data governance. You need to ask yourself is your organization ready for data governance implementation? If yes, you can go ahead but if the answer is no, you need to first prepare your Affordable seo services UK for it. 

Data governance initiatives are not for everyone. Even if your organization is ready for data governance implementation, you need to ask if your organization is mature enough to handle it? If the answer is no, you should wait until your organization is mature. It is all about changing your perspective about data and your mindset right in order to successfully implement data governance.

  • Treating Data Governance as a Project

Some businesses fall in the trap of launching data governance as a project and giving the best cheap vps in singapore. You need to get consent from all the stakeholders, which is not easy to say the least. Let’s say, you somehow manage to get buy-in from stakeholders, then you will have to deal with resistance to change. You will have to change the attitude and behavior towards data. This might push you to your limits. In fact, you need to put data governance at the heart of your organization culture. Overcoming these obstacles requires more than project management skills.

  • Lack of Alignment With Business Strategy

One issue that usually arises when your organization is pursuing data governance initiatives is that they don’t have goals that align with their business strategy. It is imperative that business strategic objectives are the one that drives data governance initiatives, not the other way around.

You need to make your stakeholders visualize how data governance can help in achieving the overall organizational goals. Once they get the buy-in from stakeholders, it will be much easier to map your data governance initiatives to your business objectives.

  • Not Understanding The Current Data Landscape

One of the most important things is to understand how your data is being managed and stored. Whether you are planning to buy dedicated server to store data or want to move it to the cloud, you should be aware of it.You need a broad understanding to begin with and get an in-depth knowledge about data management. 

Once you have that, you can easily understand what’s the root cause that is preventing your data governance initiatives from being successful. After identifying the root cause, you can take steps to fix the problem. Instead of just looking at your past data, you should also look at how you are currently managing your data and how you will manage your data in future in order to drive your data governance initiatives to success.

  • Lack of Framework

Another reason why most businesses fail to implement data governance is due to a lack of framework. Even if they have a data governance framework, they fail to fully implement it in their organization. Your goal is to make an integral part of your business process to bring long term and lasting changes to your organization.. Businesses who fail to do that run the risk of slowly reverting to old approaches.

Organizations are aware of it and try to achieve this goal even if they have to do multiple attempts for it. This not only frustrates stakeholders but can also reduce the chances of your success. The more attempts you make, the harder it is for you to gain stakeholder engagement as they will slowly start to lose interest in your data governance initiative.

  • Treating Tools as The Ultimate Solution

If you are looking for an one solution that can solve all your data governance problems, then you are on the wrong track. There is nothing like all in one solution when it comes to data governance. You need a combination of these tools in order to make your data governance initiative a success. These tools take the pain out of data management and provide support needed for data governance. Look at these tools as an enabler or facilitator instead of the ultimate solution to all your data governance woes.

  • IT Led Initiatives

Data governance initiatives are usually led by the IT department and there is nothing wrong with that. The problem starts to arise when you put all the responsibility on their shoulders and don’t hold your employees accountable for their data management. You need to make it a shared responsibility so that everyone plays their part and makes their contribution towards a greater cause, which is your data governance initiative. 

Which is the biggest mistake you have ever made when implementing data governance in your organization? Share it with us in the comments section below.


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