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HomeEducationLegal Facts: What You Can and Can't Do With a Fake Degree

Legal Facts: What You Can and Can’t Do With a Fake Degree

Getting a degree is the most important thing in most people’s lives. When you graduate, people take you more seriously and you’re more likely to get a job.

What is a fake diploma? A fake diploma cannot be used as a real diploma. If you do this, you are more likely to commit fraud. But you can use fake diplomas for real reasons.

Read on to find out what you can and can’t do with a fake diploma.


Buying and owning a fake diploma from a counterfeiter is not illegal. As long as you don’t use this copy of your certificate for fraudulent purposes, you shouldn’t run into any legal problems.

Here are some reasons someone might need a fake diploma.

Replace a lost high school diploma;

One of the most common reasons people get a fake degree is because they lost their degree. A lost Abitur can be replaced by an Abitur. However, it is sometimes difficult to replace a lost diploma with a real one.

If you want to buy a high school diploma to commemorate your school days, you should get a fake diploma. It’s great to buy a high school diploma and hang it on the wall at home.


Another way to use fake loans legally is by trusting yourself. For example, you say that you are struggling in college and about to drop out and drop out. Buying a fake diploma can be an incentive to continue your studies.

If you do not advertise the authenticity of the certificate, you can use a Fake Certificate in the same way.

Using a fake diploma as an advertisement;

A fake diploma can also be used as illegal advertising. For example, in a scene from the play, the production team may use a fake diploma. This is totally legal as they do not encourage fake investment.

If you’re using a fake degree for novelty or fun, you won’t run into any problems. However, fake diplomas are illegal if you are trying to pass them off as real.


If it’s a fake diploma, that’s fine. However, calling it legit is a scam and you could get into legal trouble if you reveal the truth.

All lies are immoral. Close friends and family are questioning the judgement of the person who misused the fake diploma.

Here are some ways to avoid using a fake diploma.

Using a fake degree to get a job;

Using a temporary ID card makes sense if you have lost your old one and cannot get a new one within a certain period of time. Buy a copy of your diploma and give it to your potential boss, right? However, applying for a sham degree is not necessarily a good idea.

As a recruiter, you want to be honest, and it’s not fair to give a fake diploma to a potential boss. If your boss finds out, you risk being untrustworthy and losing your job.

You can often obtain a job search qualification from your employer. During the interview, the employer can ask questions that experienced graduates are familiar with. If the candidate cannot answer the questions, the employer may have doubts.

Many employers screen candidates before beginning the interview. That way, employers know that whatever the candidate claims is true.

If you don’t have a license and use a fake degree to get a job, you could be in serious trouble. Using a fake diploma to get a job is not only rude but is also considered cheating.

Provide professional services;

A person who provides unauthorised services and uses a false certificate or diploma commits an offence.

Various situations can lead to legal consequences if you provide services with a false certificate. A person who practices dentistry without a qualification or certificate is breaking the law. A qualified service provider can face serious legal problems if they injure a defrauded customer.

A restaurant owner falsely advertises benefits he didn’t receive when he lies to customers about where he went to college. Even if the restaurant owner is not in legal trouble, they may lose loyal customers if they find out they have been lied to.

Get professional services;

Using a fake degree or certificate to get your unprofessional services is unethical. You get people who need and deserve your services.

If you get caught, you will ruin your public image by lying and stealing an opportunity from other more deserving people. Arrest can also mean arrest for a crime based on a fake degree.


It is always best to do your research to determine if the purpose of the fake degree is legitimate. It is also appropriate to use a copy of the diploma or ask your relatives.

If you are interested in how to get a copy of my high school diploma, check out this website.


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