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HomeHealthA Beginner's Guide to Craniosacral Therapy

A Beginner’s Guide to Craniosacral Therapy

Life gets hectic sometimes, and we often tense up in anticipation of what may come. Craniosacral therapy, also called CST, is a type of massage that uses a hands-on, non-invasive approach to release tension in the sacrum, spinal column, and head.

The goal of craniosacral therapy is to address asymmetries in the membranes and fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord while relieving pain and restoring whole-body function. Here, we’ll answer some of our patients’ most common questions about CST.

The Craniosacral System Explained

To learn the benefits of CST, it’s crucial to understand the craniosacral system. The system consists of bones, membranes, and fluid that protect the brain and spinal cord, and it plays a key role in central nervous system regulation. The central nervous system responds to internal and external stimuli, influencing almost every bodily function.

What Does CST Do?

Originally developed by osteopath John E. Upledger, craniosacral therapy manipulates and regulates the flow of CSF (cerebrospinal fluid), which protects the spinal cord and brain from injury.

How Craniosacral Therapy Works

The human body is subject to daily strain and stress, which can take a toll. External and internal stressors can cause the body’s tissues to become tense, distorting the craniosacral system and affecting central nervous system function.

Practitioners use soft touch and non-invasive manipulation techniques to alleviate physical stress and restore normal function. With CST, providers can identify the craniosacral system’s rhythm, find tense areas, and restore the free flow of cerebrospinal fluid.

Conditions Treated With CST

Since CST was first performed in the 1970s, it has been proven effective as a treatment for several physiological issues. Craniosacral therapy restores the flow of CSF and treats conditions such as:

  1. Traumatic brain injuries and concussions
  2. Headaches and migraines
  3. Chronic back and neck pain
  4. Spinal cord injuries
  5. Tension- and stress-related disorders
  6. Autism spectrum disorders

With ongoing research backing up this innovative, effective form of massage therapy, we are continually discovering new ways to treat patients with CST.

How Many CST Sessions Are Needed for Optimal Results?

CST sessions range from a half-hour to over an hour in length. Patients remain fully clothed, and all will respond differently to craniosacral therapy. Some conditions require more in-depth treatment than others, and the number of CST sessions required will depend on the patient’s comfort level, stressors, and health conditions.

What Happens After CST Sessions?

Just as every patient responds differently to craniosacral therapy, results vary widely. Some patients may leave the office in relaxed, drowsy states, while others depart with boundless energy.

Many CST patients report decreases in tension and pain, while others notice increased focus or functionality. In some cases, these effects are immediate, but in others, they develop gradually. Your practitioner will use your unique circumstances to help you set realistic expectations.

No matter your experience, craniosacral therapy helps restore the body’s healing processes. Improvements can be made for weeks after treatment, and multiple sessions may be required for the best results.

Experience Craniosacral Therapy for Yourself

If you’re still not convinced of CST’s benefits, we would love to help. If you have questions that haven’t been answered here, reach out by phone or email. Schedule a consultation with a practitioner today and learn how this innovative form of massage therapy can help restore function and vitality.

Bryan Cunningham is a writer who explores many different types of stories. He is skilled at creating interesting tales in various categories, making his work enjoyable for a wide range of readers.

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